Addin BTO Renovation

Custom Order

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Kitchen Cabinet (26ft)

Top Hung Kitchen Cabinet Laminate (12ft)
Bottom Kitchen Cabinet Laminate (14ft)

Wardrobe Cabinet (6ft)

Wardrobe Laminate
Internal carcass configuration

Tabletop Selection (14ft)

Tabletop Selection

Type of Flooring

Living room
Master Bedroom
Bedroom I


Ala Carte Menu

Is your kitchen an open concept?
Additional Top Hung Cabinet (2ft) (Unavailable for open concept kitchen)

For BTO units that optioned for partition wall at kitchen area only.

Additional Top Hung Cabinet above Fridge (3ft)

Additional Cabinet above Fridge

Additional 2 Large Drawer Set

Replacing two casement doors with 2 drawers ( maximum weight 30kg each drawer ) ( Maximum length 900mm )

Additional Tall Unit Set

Full height cabinet unit for storage ( W 600mm x full height )


Confirmation & Submit

Name & Price
Top Hung Kitchen Cabinet Laminate (12ft)
Bottom Kitchen Cabinet Laminate (14ft)
Wardrobe Laminate
Internal carcass configuration
Tabletop Selection
Living room
Master Bedroom
Bedroom I
Is your kitchen an open concept?
Additional Top Hung Cabinet (2ft) (Unavailable for open concept kitchen)
Additional Top Hung Cabinet above Fridge (3ft)
Additional 2 Large Drawer Set
Additional Tall Unit Set
Estimated Cost:
Product Price:
Grand Total:
Payable Amount (7%):
Outstanding Amount (93%):

Please check your selections above.
Are the above selections your final decision? *

Do you require us to provide you our partnership contractors ? *
Note : These contractors are not from our company as they are direct contractors to reduce the cost of renovation for our Clients. *T&C applied.

Have you purchased any products from our Addin furniture website (*

Payment Details



These terms and conditions will apply to and govern all online contracts under which the Contractor agrees to render services to the client of the Contractor. There shall be no variation of these terms and conditions whatsoever.


In these terms and conditions and in all contracts to which these terms and conditions apply:

“Contractor” shall mean Add In Technologies Pte Ltd (UEN No. 201916211E) & its appointed renovation company

“Client” shall mean any individual, firm or company whose name and details appear in the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement to which these terms and conditions are a schedule thereto.

“Package Amount”shall mean the fees payable by the Client to the Contractor, at the rates specified in the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement.

“Works” save where varied in writing and agreed between the Client and the Contractor, shall mean the work to be performed and are specified in the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement. All descriptions and specifications as duly approved by the relevant authorities shall form part of the Works.

“Premise” shall mean the property the Client is desirous of renovation as indicated in the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement.


(A) The contract documents for the Works are:-

(i) The online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement – setting out the Works and package amount;

(iii) This Standard Terms and Conditions; and

Collectively known as “Contract Documents”.

(B) The terms as set out in the Contract Documents supersede, override and exclude any other terms stipulated, incorporated or referred to by the Client, whether in any negotiations or if any course of dealing established between the Contractor and the Client.

(C) Any omissions in the Contract Documents and any work requested in variance to the Contract Documents, if any, are considered extra to the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement and are not included in the Package Amount. Any additional works are not included in the Package Amount and shall be extra to the Package Amount.

(D) Any special request change of terms and condition of the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement, if any, will only be valid with management approval in signature. Alteration Agreement without management approval will not be recognised and entertained by the Contractor.

(E) Copyright in all documents, including but not limited to the Works prepared by the Contractor pursuant to the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement will remain the property of the Contractor. All our Works, which cannot be reproduced (whether part/whole) or modified without first obtaining our written consent.

(F) The online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement must be in written with all price (including discount & promotion) & Works clearly stated. The online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement undertaken between the Client and the Contractor’s representative is subject to final approval and acceptance by the Contractor. The Contractor will not entertain and hold any responsibility for any verbal agreements which are not stated in the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement.

(G) All information provided by the Client pertaining to the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement is solely for the purpose of completing sales transactions and is kept confidential unless permission is sought from the customer to use for other purposes.


(A) All Works as set out in the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement, as duly approved by the Client, shall not be valid unless mutually agreed by both parties and such agreement must be by way of an express written agreement.

(B) The Client shall review all specifications on or before the date of commencement of the Work. All dimensions/ quantities are to be verified and approved by the Client at the Client’s Premise. The Contractor reserves the right to make such adjustments necessary to the designs on-site as far as it does not occurs additional charges on the part of the Client. In the event that any changes to the Works as requested by the Client, such changes shall be subject to the Contractor’s approval and additional charges shall be incurred by the Client.

(C) Any alteration or variation, if any, to the Works shall be made by way of a Variation Addendum and the Variation Addendum shall form part of the Contract Documents. Such alterations and variation to the Works as requested by the Client are not included in the Package Amount and shall be extra to the Package Amount.

(D) Any job & items included different in dimensions or material price which is not contracted in the Contract Agreement shall be deemed as “Additional Job Items” and stated in Variation Addendum and all costs shall be made chargeable to the Client by the Contractor, if any. The Client shall be responsible to make payment for all “Additional Job Items” which have already carried out.

(E) Any alteration or variation to the Works not evidenced by way of a Variation Addendum, duly signed by the Client and the Contractor shall be null and void. Any verbal agreement between Client and Contractor’s representatives will not be recognised by the Contractor. A Variation Addendum is only valid with management approval.


(A) The Contractor shall assist the Client in the application of all necessary renovation permits as required by the relevant authorities with the consent of the Client prior to the commencement of the Works. All expenses related to the application of all necessary approvals, licenses, permits in respect of the Work Plan shall be solely borne by the Clients.

(B) In the event that the appointment of any professional services is required, including that of the services of architects, engineers, surveyors or any professional institutions, for the purposes of carrying out the Works, all such expenses shall be solely borne by the Client.

(C) All Works shall be strictly subjected to the compliance or covenants of HDB or relevant authorities’ approval. In the event any Works are rejected or restricted by the relevant authorities, the Contractor reserves the right to make such amendments, alterations or cancellation of these Works and thereafter, the Client shall be not be entitled to raise objections, dispute or cancellation to the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement.


The work flow process is as follows:-

(A) Upon receipt of the Client’s confirmation and signing of the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement, the Contractor will proceed to prepare the work plan summary in accordance with the specifications of the Works. The time taken for the preparation of such work plan summary (including any alterations and revision if any) is about 10 to 12 working days. *Subject to case-by-case basis or peak period, the time taken may be longer for preparation. The Contractor requires at least 2 weeks advance notice to commence work.

(B) Upon receipt of the Client’s confirmation and approval of the work plan summary, the Contractor will provide the Client with a projected work schedule of the Works. The Contractor shall not be liable for any changes made to the projected work schedule in the event of any of the following:-

Additional variation orders instructed by the Client;
Delay in obtaining approval from relevant authorities;

iii. Delay in obtaining conformation of the Works or materials by the Client;

Delay in the receipt of the deposit or any payments by the Client; or
Delay/shortage in supply of materials by vendors beyond the control of the Contractor.

(C) Upon the completion of the Works, the Contractor shall provide the Client with a Pre-Handover Checklist and also a Project Handover Certificate.

(D) The Client shall inspect the Works and if he/she considers that the Works or any part thereof is not in accordance with the Contract Documents, he/she shall within 3 calendar days after he/she took over the key/move into the premise, give the Contractor detailed written notice thereof. The absence of such notice within the specified 3 calendar day period will invalidate any claim made subsequently. The absence of any such notice, the Work shall be conclusively presumed to be free from any defect which would be apparent on reasonable examination. The Client shall then make full payment for all remaining balance payments.

(E) All pre-handover touch up works will base on the individual defect touch up area. The Client shall not be entitled to a one-to-one exchange of whole item.

(F) The Contractor shall on being given notice by the Client, make good at their own costs any defects of work & delayed in work schedule but will not extend to any consequential of economic losses, liquidated damages or damages suffered by the Client.


For the consideration for the performance of the Works, the Client agree to pay the Contractor the total Package Amount in SGD as follows:

(A) Schedule of Payment

Payment Due Due Date
(i) 10% of the Package Amount as a deposit Upon confirmation and signing of the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement
(ii) 10% of the Package Amount Upon conducting site meeting
(iii) 40% of the Package Amount Upon commencement of the Works
(iv) 35% of the Package Amount Upon measurement of carpentry works
(v) 5% of the Package Amount Upon the handover of the Client’s property to the client

(B) Payment Terms

(i) All payments will be made online.

(ii) Upon receipt of the payment, the Contractor shall provide the Client with a receipt by way of mailing/ email to the Client’s mailing/ email address.

(iii) It is the Client responsibility to keep track of the payment due and make payment promptly without the Contractor reminder.

(iv) Any amendment of payment term requires management approval in written notice, if not the Contractor will not entertain such amendment and reserve the rights to collect the payment based on this payment term.

(v) In the event that the Client chooses to cancel the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement prior to the commencement of the Works, the deposit paid shall be forfeited to the Contractor.

(C) Default Payment

(i) In the event of any delay or default by the Client in making any of the payment due by the due date, the Contractor hereby reserves the right to cease all Works forthwith. In such an event, the Contractor shall not be liable for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential suffered by the Client as a result of failure or delay by the Client in performing the obligations referred to above.

(ii) In the event that the Client neglects or fails to make any payment with 7 days from the due date, the Contractor reserves the right to terminate the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement. In such event, the Contractor shall be entitled to claim up to the value of the Works already carried out, including such amounts in respect of any materials supplied or purchased, work prepared (partially or in full) and any other losses the Contractor may suffer as a natural consequence of the termination.

(iii) For the avoidance of doubt, all materials provided by the Contractor remain the property of the Contractor until full and final settlement of the Package Amount.


(A) Upon receipt of progressive payment on measurement of carpentry works, the Contractor requires a minimum period of 14 working days to fabricate the carpentry works and an addition 3 working days for the installation of such carpentry works.

(B) In the event that of any delay or default in any payment of the Package Amount, the Contractor reserves the right to dismantle and remove such Works & carpentry works from the Client’s Premises. The Client hereby will allow the Contractor to enter the Premise to do such removal & dismantle. In such an event, the Contractor shall not be liable for any damages caused by these dismantle and removal works.


(A) In the event the Client appoints any employees, servants, agents or any third party working for or under the direction of the Client to carry out other renovation work items apart from those as set out in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall not be liable for damages caused by such employees, servants, agents or any third party working for or under the direction of the Client.

(B) The Client should not personally appoint any employees, servants, agents or sub-contractor (representative of Company) working for or under the direction of the Client to carry out other renovation work items apart from those as set out in the Contract Documents or engage into any other form of private deals or arrangement. The Company reserves the rights to pursue legal actions.


(A) For avoidance of doubt, marble, granite and timber veneer are examples of the natural products and may not be exhaustive. The natural products may have imperfections, which occur naturally and for the purpose of the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement, such natural occurrences are not deemed to be defective goods or material supplied.

(B) The installation and delivery of these natural properties may give rise to imperfections due to its nature and these shall not also be deemed to poor workmanship.

(C) The products supplied may vary in colour and shade as between themselves and as between the catalogues or any print materials and such difference shall not be the subject of dispute or objection by the Client.

(D) All standard household items (e.g. hinges, taps, roller tracks, locks, handles, etc.,) provide by the Contractor shall be of satisfactory quality and suitable for their intended use. However, the catalogues and samples presented to the Client are only indicative in nature.

(E) Where materials for finishes/ furnishes are provided by the Client, the Contractor will adhere to the instructions of the manufacturers or suppliers of such materials. The Contractor gives no warranty as to the quality of such materials, their suitability & for the intended use.

(F) The Contractor warrants that any materials supplied by the Contract will be of good quality, suitable for their intended use and shall correspond with their description and sample (if any). The Clients shall be allowed to retain one issue of any sample wherever possible.


(A) The Client shall permit the Contractor, his servants, sub-contractors and agents free access to the Client’s Premises at all reasonable hours to carry out the Works.

(B) The Client accepts that there may be inconveniences from time to time, and that during the carrying out of the Works, the Client should not leave any valuables unattended. The Contractor shall not be responsible for any loss of any unattended valuables. All items left in the Client’s premises shall be at the Client’s own risks.

(C) The Client must obtain any permission for the Contractor, his employees, servants or agents to proceed over Premise belonging to third parties if this is necessary for the proper progression of the Works and shall obtain any permission necessary to carry out work on Premise belonging to third parties. The Client shall indemnify the Contractor against all claims of whatsoever nature made by third parties arising out of the presence of the Contractor, his employees, servants or agents on the Client’s Premise save where such claim results directly from negligence on Contractor’s part. The Client shall be liable to the Contractor for all loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential suffered by the Contractor as a result of failure or delay by the Client in performing the obligations referred to above


(A) The Contractor agrees to supply all labour, materials and supervision to complete the Works in accordance with the Contract Documents.

(B) The Contractor agrees to undertake the Works diligently in a good and workmanlike manner, in accordance with good quality residential standards and practices, and in compliance with the market standard.

(C) The Client accepts that there may be inconveniences from time to time, and the Contractor agrees to keep such inconveniences to a reasonable minimum. It is the responsibility of the Client to take reasonable steps to provide a work area free of household obstructions, and to remove or protect household items in areas where it may be reasonably anticipated by the Client that they may be subject to dust, damage or vibrations.

(D) The work plan summary is subjected to modification of its design and measurement from time to time to suit construction purpose and site condition.

(E) The Contractor shall act upon our professionalism for construction details base on standard market practice, unless specified.

(F) Any defects, shrinkage or other faults arising from materials supplied by the Contractor or Workmanship not in accordance with the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement and scope of Works which may appear within the defects liability period stated in the warranty card and which are notified by the Clients in writing to the Contractor from time but not later than fourteen (14 days) form the expiration of the said defect liability period shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expenses within a reasonable time after receipt of such notification.


A) The Contractor provides to the Client a workmanship warranty for a period of 12 months from the completion date of the Works, such workmanship warranty shall be given by way of the Contractor’s Official 12 months’ Warranty Certificate bearing the Contractor’s official stamp and authorised signature.

(B) This Warranty shall only apply to Works undertaken properly invoiced by the Contractor.

(C) This Warranty also covers water proofing for 12 months.

(D) In the event of invalid warranty coverage, there will be a transport charge of SGD80 per trip.

(E) This Warranty shall not be valid in any of the following events:-

i. That the Client cannot provide evidence that the work was originally undertaken by the Contractor;
ii. Where full payment of the Package Amount has not been made by the Client;
iii. Where the Client has notified the Contractor of any defects which requires rectification and the Client refuses for whatsoever reason to allow the Contractor to conduct any rectification works;
iv. Defects resulting from misuse, willful act, or faulty workmanship by the Client, his employees, servants, agents or any third party working for or under the direction of the Client.


(A) In the event that the online Specified Renovation Contract Agreement is terminated by the Client for whatever reason through no fault or negligence on the Contractor, the Contractor shall be entitled to recover from the Client to claim up to the value of the Works already carried out, including such amounts in respect of any materials supplied or purchased, work prepared (partially or in full) and any other losses the Contractor may suffer as a natural consequence of the termination.

(B) In addition, the Client shall indemnify the Contractor from and against any and all actions, proceedings, liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, charges, costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) and expenses of whatever nature which the Contractor may directly sustain, incur or suffer by reason of, or arising out of or in connection with (except to the extent such loss is caused or contributed to by the Client.


No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising on the part of the Contractor any right, power or privilege under the Contract Documents shall operate as a waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof or any other right, power or privilege.


The terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore.


The Company shall send invoices, receipts, warranty certificates, feedback forms or promotions, if applicable via the Client’s given email address or handphone number. Representatives from the Company shall also contact the Client through email or handphone for other matters regarding the contracted services. 


Renovate with confidence. Our renovation approach offers transparency, taking away the ambiguity in traditional renovation processes. Select your package and pick from our wide selection of renovation materials to kickstart a hassle-free renovation today.